Monday, September 24, 2007
the first snow of the season fell on our mountains last night. it is beautiful.
today was also another doctor's appointment -- it was at the House of Pain. so we talked over how the pain med was going -- it hasn't been having too impressive a showing. so we're upping the dosage once more, to see if it'll help more. if not, we're going to scrap it and try something else. i'm pleased to be working with doctors i feel good about.
a pretty uneventful trip today. but a good day. i'm hopeful. even if this med doesn't work out, there are 5 other (similar) formulations of the same drug. and i'm pleased to feel like we're working actively on the preventative angle with my neurologist as well.
Labels: etc., headaches pain clinic, meds
link | posted by Emily at 5:10 PM
Muum had this to say:
I appreciate your update, hopefully the change in dosage will help!
- 8:56 PM
had this to say:
Have you tried going to a chiropractor?
- 10:29 AM
Emily had this to say:
amy -- i have, i saw a chiropractor who specializes in headaches and migraines, without any results. :)
- 3:47 PM
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