Monday, April 16, 2007
the Soundtrack of my Life

i ripped this one off from Walking Katetastrophe, a blog i've been reading (and loving) lately.

if my life was a movie...

if my life was a movie, what would my soundtrack be?

so, here's how it works:
1. open your music library
2. put it on shuffle
3. press play
4. for every question, type the song that's playing
5. when you go to a new question, press the next button
6. don't lie and try to pretend you're cool.

opening credits: "Two at a Time" by Guster -- very chill. not one of my favorites by them, but hey i guess i'm not choosing, right? :o)

waking up: "Train Wreck" by Sarah McLachlan -- hahaha. funny b/c when i have to get up early for something, it often feels like a train wreck - ask my hubby! but in all seriousness, i love this song. i love pretty much all of her songs. this song is from afterglow, one of her newer albums. best line? -- 'in your sweet embrace all my pain's erased'.

first day at school: "Next Year, Baby" by Jamie Cullum. i adore this song, but must take issue with his idea to 'spend less money on shoes' next year. if anything, i strive for constant growth in my shoe budget! if you like jazz, norah jones' style, you should check this guy out. he's great. what does this have to do with the first day of school? ummm we'll say i've given up before i started - and i'm just lookin' to next year. :)

in love: "Long way Down" by Guster (again). get it? long way to FALL in love? huh?

fight song: "Have a Cigar" by Pink Floyd -- this does seem to have some fightin' words.

breaking up: "Maddest King of Love' by Big Bad VooDoo Daddy. 'the maddest kind of love is a love you know won't last'. what more needs to be said?

prom: "Hello, Goodbye" by the Beatles.

life's ok: Appassionata Sonata in F minor op. 57 (mvt 3) by Beethoven (performed by Vladamir Horowitz). man, how can life NOT be ok when you're listening to Horowitz playing the piano?

mental breakdown: "White Ladder" by David Gray. i wonder if we have anything else by him. or where we got this one. weird. however, the phrase 'white ladder' brings to mind a stealthy escape from the sanatorium (perhaps sheets used for the 'ladder'?) and strait jackets. perfection.

driving: "Only You" by Harry Connick Jr. This is a GREAT driving song, if only because it's laid back and relaxing. sigh. i guess i'd rather dance w/my hubby to this one than drive, though. if i could choose. 'you're my dream come true, my one and only you.'

flashback: "Crazy for the Girl" by Evan & Jaron. i don't know where this song came from either. but i DO know that it came out sometime ..... 5+ years ago (?) so that's perfect for a flashback. :)

getting back together: "El Condor Pasa (If I could)" by Simon and Garfunkel. i do love me some S&G, but this is not one of their best (IMHO).

birth of child: Piano Trio in d minor by Faure, performed by the Roth trio. this whole thing seems a little... anxious. i'd rather have something soothing and/or happy to represent the birth of a child. can i have a recount?

wedding: "Your Winter" by Sister Hazel. no, dude it was october. we got married in october. btw there's way too much i'm sorry, pain, and hurting in this song for a wedding song. again, we need more upbeat, lovey-dovey type music for this one.

final battle: "Tonada de la Luna Llena" by Marta Gomez. this is like if the final battle of my movie was a dance-off. sweet! my spanish is rough, but i'm pretty sure this song is about a full moon.

death scene: "Reluctant Hero" by Cheri Magill. a great song from a great singer. 'it's time that i resign as your reluctant hero'. we got her cd when we saw her live at BYU - we enjoyed her set and liked her CD even better.

funeral song: "You Don't Know Me" by Harry Connick Jr 'and anyone can tell; you think you know me well. but you don't know me. kind of a depressing funeral song. i hope that at least someone feels they know me.

end credits: "Scarborough Fair/ Canticle" by Simon and Garfunkel -- now this is a fabulous closing credits song. doesn't get any better than this.

This was a super fun meme. but then, i love music. if you're reading this (and want to play), i tag YOU!

let me know you did it in the comments so i can be sure to check it out!

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Blogger Kateastrophe had this to say:

I think we need to be new best friends. I LOVE the music on your list. LOVE LOVE LOVE. Especially Guster. Mmmm loving you and loving Guster!

Thanks for playing and leaving a comment!

10:06 PM 

Blogger Muum had this to say:

this was fun! although I don't know who Guster is... let's mail him a quarter so he(?) can buy a better name!

8:46 AM 

Blogger Ele had this to say:

"Crazy For This Girl" came out in 2000! :-D E&J are working on a new album and are doing performances again! (

8:09 PM 

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Location: Salt Lake City, Utah, United States

I'm 25 - married, and recently graduated from Brigham Young University, studying music; I play piano. My husband is just starting his PhD program at the University of Utah in computer architecture.



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