Tuesday, February 26, 2008

well -- it's time! i fly out tomorrow morning for my appointment. today will be packing and laundry.

my main point for this entry is that i (probably) have to take a blogging break because of this --they are probably going to put me inpatient for a little while. there's no telling until my appointment on thursday how long i'll be in chicago. the receptionist, who set me up with all my paperwork, said it'd probably between 5 and 14 days inpatient...

the kicker is (for my blog friends), no laptops at the hospital. :-(

let's have a moment of silence, shall we?

no internet - no surfing the world wide web. ah, i will miss you, friends.

when i get back, i will tell you all about the appointment and how it all goes. wish me luck!

ETA: a great article about chronic illness and how it doesn't make sense.

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Anonymous Anonymous had this to say:

wow emily!
i'm so excited for you!
i just found your blog this weekend and have really enjoyed and can totally relate to a lot of what you say.
i've been going to diamond for almost ten years now...i'll be so excited to hear what they have to say!

best of luck!

1:24 PM 

Blogger Grim Reality Girl had this to say:

Best of luck! Sorry you can't have a laptop to keep us posted! Your cheering section is rooting you on -- and sending up prayers! Godspeed!

2:10 PM 

Blogger Muum had this to say:

Ack, no laptops! Is that for patients only or also for their doting ;) moms who come to sit ?? j/k love you, MOm

2:56 PM 

Blogger kimberlie had this to say:

oh good luck! Hope it goes well & that they can help.

That is pretty sucky about the laptop- maybe you should stock up on books?

9:57 PM 

Blogger Migraine Chick had this to say:

I'm sending good luck wishes your way! and some hugs!

5:50 AM 

Blogger Blake had this to say:

This comment has been removed by the author.

12:11 PM 

Blogger Erin had this to say:

I hope all goes well and there some breakthroughs made. We are all looking forward to hear what happens and hope that it is good news.

12:12 PM 

Blogger Shama-Lama Mama had this to say:

I was thinking about you today, wondering if it was time for you to go soon. No INTERNET??? I think you should sneak into the nurse's station late at night! Or sneak out to a Starbucks and borrow someone's laptop?

Maybe its a good time to dig up a few really good books!

8:57 PM 

Anonymous Anonymous had this to say:

Oh, wishing you the best of luck. Of course you won't see this until you get home, but good luck anyway.

7:39 AM 

Blogger Pink Chihuahua Princess had this to say:

Yay for you! I sure hope they can help you.

9:27 AM 

Anonymous Anonymous had this to say:

Hope it's going well for you hon. You can, at least, read, right? (Can, I, put, in, more, commas, please? Sheesh!) Anyway, please fill us in as soon as you can!

7:17 PM 

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Location: Salt Lake City, Utah, United States

I'm 25 - married, and recently graduated from Brigham Young University, studying music; I play piano. My husband is just starting his PhD program at the University of Utah in computer architecture.



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