Wednesday, June 07, 2006
What's for dinner Wednesday?

The image “” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors. wellll........ what's for dinner? i think we're having a salad with spicy chicken cut up in it. that remains to be seen, though. quite possibly we'll have leftovers!! yummmm.

what about you? what're you having for dinner tonight? don't forget to visit Krisco, the WFDW flagship.

i'm off to learn to quilt. more on that later. ;)

Anonymous Anonymous had this to say:

Quilting?? did someone say Quilting. Let me in on the secrets you learn!!

12:19 AM 

Blogger Sarah Jean had this to say:

So, we had corndogs and tots of the tater variety ~ a reward/bribe for my kids cleaning their rooms. There were fresh veggies too!

6:59 AM 

Anonymous Anonymous had this to say:

spicy chicken salad... yum. i have no idea what i had for dinner wed, since it's sat. and all. but tonight...? no i don't know that eiher!

11:51 AM 

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Location: Salt Lake City, Utah, United States

I'm 25 - married, and recently graduated from Brigham Young University, studying music; I play piano. My husband is just starting his PhD program at the University of Utah in computer architecture.



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