Thursday, September 28, 2006
oh internet, how i miss you!

our internet is down and out. :( so sad. i am posting from the library.

i miss you all!

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

well, i've been a lazy blogger lately.

sunday night spencer and i went to a constitution day event that my muum was helping plan/coordinate. it was really lovely, and i had no idea it was constitution day until then. but it was, and it was a fun night. they had 219 flags, carried by 219 ppl., they walked in, and there were veterans as well as kids. an american history professor from the nearby college spoke on god's role in the developing of the constitution, and everyone enjoyed his talk immensely.

then monday we went to visit our dear friends j and A. they just got married a few weeks ago, and are settling in well. we didn't really do anything but eat and talk all night; then i looked at the clock and it was getting late!

and then yesterday we took the car in; it needs the emissions checked, and it's also having some kind of electrical problem. hubby is picking it up now. i went up to campus and had lunch with my sweetie, then he showed me a laptop he's dying to get (sorry no link, techies, i can't remember much about it other than it's small and black and dual-core) was a nice afternoon. last night we got the bookcase put together, and unpacked the last boxes (yee-haw!), so now only odds and ends to get put away, then we'll really truly be MOVED IN. :)

Saturday, September 16, 2006

Mary at Owlhaven wanted me to find an item in my home in the most irrational, doesn't-belong-here location. well, since we're still unpacking, i can do better at this game than usual. but i couldn't choose just one.

first, there's the birdfeeder on the living room floor; in front of the couch.

next, there's the halloween headband (remember the flower costume?) on the microwave.
next, there's the bug spray and bottle of rubbing alcohol hiding behind a shelf for a (so far) not totally put together book shelf.

and last of all, there's another bottle of rubbing alcohol, along with anti-static spray and shoelaces, pepto bismol, etc., on my dining room table.
well, my friends, i leave it to you. which item or items are in the strangest place?

too much to say

welll.lllll, i've had the internet for most of this week. i've been visiting other blogs. but it's like there's too much to say to figure out where to start! in any case, i'm just going to dive right in and summarize.

we're at the new place. love the neighborhood. still getting settled. here's a picture of spencer in our living room, a while ago. things are looking better now.

on the headache front; no news, really. i've tried a couple different treatments at the pain clinic (or house of pain, as spencer likes to call it), and no luck. they were a nerve block and then an injection to the stella ganglion nerve.

and last of all, here's my niece and i, working hard on a mickey mouse puzzle. i didn't realize my upper arm was so huge looking! lol.

Monday, September 11, 2006

it's september 11th; i can't believe it's been 5 years. wow.

i was going to college at OU when i heard; that's eastern time, so i heard it all as it was happening, i was up getting ready for the day at school.

i heard the news on the radio, and dropped immediately to my knees. what else was there to do? my heart goes out to those who are still mourning the loss of family and friends.


on a much less important note, we're still unpacking at our new place, and the internet is going to be hooked up any day now! then i can get back to blog-land. it's been too long, friends. i hope you are all well, and look forward to catching up SOON!

Monday, September 04, 2006
happy labor day

hi friends --

we're moved into the new place; everything but the plants pretty much. the unfortunate thing is that there's no internet set up yet. boo hoo. i miss you all and am looking forward to catching up on your blogs and showing you my new place. :)

take care -- i'll give you the big pain clinic saga once i'm back too.

My Photo
Location: Salt Lake City, Utah, United States

I'm 25 - married, and recently graduated from Brigham Young University, studying music; I play piano. My husband is just starting his PhD program at the University of Utah in computer architecture.



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