Thursday, March 30, 2006
Thirteen of Emily's Favorite Movies
1. Gone with the Wind - just an awesome, epic movie 2. The Emperor's New Groove so funny. hilarious. i love love LOVE this movie 3. The Lord of the Rings series these movies are seriously awesome. love the war scenes, the dialogue, and i LOVE when legolas is running next to the horse and swings himself up onto the saddle; every time i am like, "YES!" when i see him do that. 4. The Star Wars series (yes, even the new ones) seriously, these are just classic. how can you NOT like star wars? i don't think it's possible. 5. Far and Away great movie, drama; fabulous score; and i love tom cruise and nicole kidman together; they were awesome 6. About a Boy so funny. and weird. hugh grant is just perfect in this movie. 7. Ice Age hilarious, once again. surprised me how much i liked this movie. 8. any and all Muppet movies 'nuff said. the muupets = funny. 9. Dreamer i was surprised that i liked this movie so much too. it just captured all my little-girl dreams, some of which i'm still working towards today. (no, not horse riding or racing.) 10. The Harry Potter series i read all the books b/c a friend said i should; i was glad i did and now i (and the rest of the world) HAVE to see the movies. 11. The Man who knew Too Little this is bill murray; so clueless and SO FUNNY; if you've seen this, my favorite part is the chase scene; i literally laugh through the whole thing. 12. What about Bob? another hilarious bill murray. heehee. my family quotes this ALL THE TIME. does that mean we're mentally ill? probably not. 13. My Fair Lady ah, audrey hepburn. what more is there to say? everything i've ever seen her in, i loved. she's gorgeous, and an amazing actress. Links to other Thursday Thirteens! 1. Snickerdoodles 2. Musings and Meanderings 3. Diary of the Nello 4. Diary of a Music Whore 5. Janne's Jabberwocky 6. Peanut Tales 7. Musings From the Edge 8. Whiskey Talking 9. Ardice 10. Music's the medicine of the mind... 11. Domesticated Bloggage! 12. Mothering on the Edge 13. Muum's Musings 14. Heather Duncan's Random Thoughts 15. The TN Chick 16. All About Fun And Life 17. The Roller Coaster Ride of My Life 18. funny thoughts about life's crazy happenings 19. Fun in the Twin Cities 20. My... (Frog Legs) 21. Yellow Rose's Garden 22. Master Enigma 23. Pink Chihuahua Princess (leave your link in comments, I'll add you here!)
Get the Thursday Thirteen code here!
The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others comments. It’s easy, and fun! Be sure to update your Thirteen with links that are left for you, as well! I will link to everyone who participates and leaves a link to their 13 things. Trackbacks, pings, comment links accepted!
View More Thursday Thirteen Participants
link | posted by Emily at 10:27 AM
Wednesday, March 29, 2006
the eBay story...
what is this, my seventy-second post today? anyways, here's the deal. some of you may remember (although most probably won't) that i was selling some earrings on eBay. i'd link to them, but no. that's part of the story.
had everything gone according to plan, my auction would have closed a few days ago, and with any LUCK, someone would've bought my earrings. such is not the case. somehow, my account was 'compromised'. that's right. who would want my account, i don't know. i have NO feedback (i hear that's a big deal) and i've never bought anything or sold anything.....
so last week eBay suspended my account - the notice said it was b/c i was 'abusing eBay'. huh. i didn't know what that meant, or how i was abusing eBay --- so i emailed them back and said so. of course they had to cancel all my auctions. soooo... finally they emailed me today, and said that they had reason to believe that my password had been compromised. was it you guys?!?!??!?! huh?? i know you wanted all that revenue from my earrings, and wanted to charge all your vintage shoes to my credit card. luckily, eBay is onto you!!! hahahaha. otherwise, it would've gone undetected till my husband asked me why i was going on such an eBay shopping spree. that's bad enough when he asks me that, but if i'm not even doing the spending? whew. lame.
so, long story made even longer, the process to be reinstated at eBay is (i kid you not) akin to applying for a social security card. whew. it's gonna take me like 2 weeks. then i have to mail it to them. next time i post my auctions, that's not an open call for all you to start getting into my account and taking over, ok? i know you're out there..............
link | posted by Emily at 6:18 PM
one of my favorite meals of ALL TIME!
it's a Thai dish, and this post is actually specifically for the
house warden; go visit her!
when i make this, i make a HUGE pot of it; we end up with some left over, which is great because i can eat it for lunch for the next week. :)
Mussaman Curry
3 T. mussaman curry paste
1/2 c. coconut cream
500 g meat (i like pork or chicken best)
500 ml coconut milk
5 cardomon seeds
1 cinnamon stick
200 g potatoes, cut in 4 pieces each
1 T. peanuts (or cashews)
3 bay leaves
3 T. brown sugar
3 T. fish sauce
3 T. tamarind juice
Cook curry paste and coconut cream together for about 5 minutes. Add meat and cook 8-10 min. Add coconut milk, bring to a boil, and simmer for 10 more minutes. Add all other ingredients; cook until potatoes are tender. Serve with rice.
link | posted by Emily at 12:08 PM
What's for Dinner Wednesday?
What are we having for dinner today? hmm. depends a lot on how i'm feeling once dinner-making-time rolls around!
if i'm feelin' good, we'll have tortilla soup... yummmm... and if i'm feeling bad (AKA unable to cook), we'll have spaghetti (that is to say, leftovers!)
what are YOU having for dinner? let me know!
thanks for playing. :)
link | posted by Emily at 11:10 AM
Tuesday, March 28, 2006
hellllllo Tuesday!
thanks for all your get-well wishes. i am feeling steadily better as today progresses; the rain is coming - or maybe has already come. once the barometer change is complete - mwah hahahah. (sounds like a lab experiment) but seriously, once the barometer change is complete, my headache should be back to a normal (tolerably bad) level! hooray!
so i have to tell you guys (my bloggy buddies) about something my husband and i have been laughing about - pretty much nonstop - since we first saw it. it's
the muppets wizard of oz, with ashanti. yes, you read that right. sounds like a kids movie, maybe, but stay with me! the real star of the show is PEPE THE PRAWN (he's not a shrimp, he's a king prawn!) and he is hilarious throughout the movie. but one of our favorite lines is, 'okay,i'm going to have to call you back. the diva, she's having a meltdown.'. ...he closes the cell phone, which is actually a candy dispenser. very funny. if you have actually read this far (not likely), go to
this site so you can hear a sound byte of pepe; the thing i really love is how he says OKAY. just go, listen.'ll be worth it! and turn on your speakers! he'll start talking right away!
see now, wasn't that worth it? hilarity, am i right?
that's all i've got!
link | posted by Emily at 1:46 PM
Monday, March 27, 2006
it's monday everybody!
i'm not feeling well at all today; have very little to say, actually. tomorrow i'm going to have to start harassing the neurologists' office; the scheduling ppl. were supposed to call me thursday. huh. why do i feel like such a low priority to them? can't imagine why......
link | posted by Emily at 5:21 PM
Sunday, March 26, 2006
aha! look what i did!
to the right, you can see where i alphabetized all the links! i also added one (welcome
Pink Chihuahua Princess!) and deleted two;, b/c i was so much of a blog weenie when i put it up that i didn't realize EVERYONE reads Dooce. and
Lag In Iraq; b/c he's home safely from Iraq! hooray!
in case you're wondering, they used to be in order of when i 'found' them. except my mom's. i put her's with my sisters. in any case, alphabetizing, for some reason, is challenging. maybe i just don't like to think! no, i really just don't like to alphabetize things. never have.
link | posted by Emily at 3:46 PM
Friday, March 24, 2006
Five on Friday
1. What is your favorite time of year?spring - when everything is starting to bloom and come out of the winter blah.
2. What is it about your favorite season that, well, make it your favorite season?summer - i love sunshine and warm weather and i LOVE being able to go swimming.
3. What is your least favorite time of year?winter - especially when it drags on too long, or the end of winter, after we've suffered through months of it and it continues... (like now..snow in march)
4. Do you do anything to celebrate or recognize the changing of the seasons?no.....maybe an animal sacrifice is in order? this question confused me.
5. What's your favorite thing to do outside?going for a walk; hiking; swimming. i like to go hiking with my husband b/c he
sees the most amazing things in nature, and takes
amazing pictures.
link | posted by Emily at 10:19 AM
Thursday, March 23, 2006
Thirteen quirky things about Emily!
1.i'm left handed 2. i LOVE peppermint chapstick - my two favorites are burt's bees and bonne bell 3. i went to 4 different elementary schools 4. one of my ears is crinkled up at the top; like my mom's 5. i go through phases with foods - for a while i will LOVE a certain thing and eat a lot of it, then i'll get tired of it and not eat it at all for a while 6. i was hit in the back with a discus when i was 13 (track and field) 7. i inherited my love for piano rock (elton john, billy joel) from my dad 8. i alphabetize my CDs - two groups, classical music and everything else 9. i LOVE my feet. i think they are the best looking feet ever. seriously. 10. i have had my ears pierced many times (8 holes) but only have 2 that i haven't let grow over 11. i like odd numbers better than even numbers 12. i paint my toenails almost weekly, but never my fingernails. see #9 13. i am a huge klutz. it took a while for my husband to see/believe this, but it's true. i trip over flat things. :) Links to other Thursday Thirteens! 1. Snickerdoodles 2. Musings and Meanderings 3. Diary of the Nello 4. Diary of a Music Whore 5. Janne's Jabberwocky 6. Peanut Tales 7. Musings From the Edge 8. Whiskey Talking 9. Ardice 10. Music's the medicine of the mind... 11. Domesticated Bloggage! 12. Mothering on the Edge 13. Muum's Musings (leave your link in comments, I'll add you here!)
Get the Thursday Thirteen code here!
The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others comments. It’s easy, and fun! Be sure to update your Thirteen with links that are left for you, as well! I will link to everyone who participates and leaves a link to their 13 things. Trackbacks, pings, comment links accepted!
View More Thursday Thirteen Participants
link | posted by Emily at 9:24 AM
Wednesday, March 22, 2006
What's for dinner Wednesday?
What IS for dinner tonight? I'll tell you what we're having; a stir-fry with sweet and sour sauce (yes, the sauce that leaked all over the fridge....a lot was still left in the bag) and veggies.
other favorite dinners from the past have included a dr. pepper and cheetos. ah, those were the days. i'll tell you a little story to go along w/that one; i'm a music major, and i originally went to
Ohio University; i went there for the first 3 years of my seemingly endless college career. and there were two vending machines on the sixth floor (where all the practice rooms were located) -- one for drinks and one for snacks. performance majors (me) are required to practice for 4 hours a day. ..... so if dinnertime happened to fall within those four hours, chances of me leaving to buy some dinner were slim. chances of going home to cook something? nil. so in any case, i had more than one dinner comprised only of items found in those two vending machines. my faves were a dr. pepper and bag of cheetos.
whew what a tangent! so tell me, what are you having for dinner tonight? or if you don't know yet, what did you have for dinner last night? i'm dying to know.... :)
link | posted by Emily at 10:55 AM
Tuesday, March 21, 2006
welcome to kitchen disasters...
i think i should have a daily column; how to ruin any meal in 5 minutes! on sunday was the meatloaf; i didn't blog about it because it ruined an already tenuous day. yes, i was too upset about it to blog about it. in any case, then monday was
the sweet and sour incident -- and now; what we'll affectionately refer to as the Rhodes Rolls Happening. Yesterday
my sister and i went shopping; in preparation for the Freezer cooking fest that happened today. being the plan-ahead kind of gal i am, i left all the meat and the rolls in the fridge to thaw for tomorrow (that'd be today.). twell. when i started packing up my stuff to go over there this morning, this is what met my bewildered eyes:
i was worried about it exploding, and rhodes roll dough coating my kitchen. i stuck it in a plastic bag (after consulting sarah), and drove over there; hoping and praying the entire way that the bag wouldn't explode all over the leather interior. yeah. we at least avoided that.
suffice it to say, the rolls had been rising all night. that's what HAPPENS when frozen bread dough thaws! now i know. we used it for cracked wheat pizza crusts. :)
link | posted by Emily at 6:37 PM
Monday, March 20, 2006
the system is down..
ACK!!!!!!!!! alright,
sister dearest, you're right. you're so totally right, just like you always are. :) no bitterness here.... when you said that the generic brand ziploc bags weren't as good as the brand name?
you were RIGHT!!!!
unfortunately for me, i had to have a near catastrophe to find this out; picture this -- sweet and sour sauce leaking stealthily from my bag (while defrosting) onto the outsides of 1.the top layer of our wedding cake, which we still haven't eaten, 2. all manner of tupperware containers, and 3. dripping into the rotter. bleh. quel disastre!
never again will i buy generic ziploc.
link | posted by Emily at 6:34 PM
the beginning of another week...
so far today i've done basically one thing. grocery shopping. it was fun, tho! i went with my sister and her kids, we had a grand old time. we were gathering ingredients for FREEZER COOKING! hooray. i love it. this time we're planning to make pizza, sweet and sour meatballs (YUM) and chicken rolls (basically chicken salad wrapped up in a roll). these things save my life. ok, maybe that's a little bit of an exaggeration. *but* they do keep us from eating out as much as we were; there are MANY nights when i am unable to cook dinner; the migraine is simply too bad. soooo we can just heat up one of these frozen-cooked meals, and VOILA! delicioso.
i just MAPPED THE NETWORK DRIVE. whew do i feel cool when i do stuff like that. stuff on the computer that my husband taught me, but i feel like i'm going to forget....and then i REMEMBER! and it works! wow that's empowering.
the grocery shopping required all the energy i had today; weather is changing (again) -- it snowed a little this forcast (WHAT!? how do you spell forcast? forecast? what a weird looking word all of a sudden).. anyways, weather forecase shows rain/snow showers tommorow, and then 3 blessed days of no precipitation. that's what i live for these days.
link | posted by Emily at 5:04 PM
Saturday, March 18, 2006
big news
ok, not really big. but. i listed FOUR items on eBay this morning. it took about all my brain power to do the little bit of HTML required so that my listing didn't look like it was made by typewriter. in any case, they're up! and i'm pleased. i'm not sure if anyone will buy from me, because i have NO feedback or anything. these are my first things bought or sold ever.
if you're interested in looking (they're all beaded earrings), the links are
here and...
link | posted by Emily at 2:22 PM
Friday, March 17, 2006
Happy St. Patrick's Day!
Luck of the Irish
1. Are you Irish?
2. Are you by any chance wearing green today?
no. :( ::sheepish::
3. What kinds of special things do you do to celebrate St. Patrick's Day?
well, i planned on kissing my husband; he has scottish/irish blood in him..and is a RED HEAD! and my sister invited us over for a special irish dinner.
4. Do you believe in luck? How about fate?
i believe in luck, persay, but don't believe everyone has either bad luck or good luck. i think everyone gets some of each. i definitely don't believe in fate. sorry.
5. What would you do if you found a pot of gold?
first order of business is to turn it into US $. after that.....depends a lot on how much it is! paying our bills and buying a house...paying for our education, that comes first.
link | posted by Emily at 4:24 PM
Thursday, March 16, 2006
Get the Thursday Thirteen code here!
The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others comments. It’s easy, and fun! Be sure to update your Thirteen with links that are left for you, as well! I will link to everyone who participates and leaves a link to their 13 things. Trackbacks, pings, comment links accepted!
View More Thursday Thirteen Participants
link | posted by Emily at 1:33 PM
Wednesday, March 15, 2006
What's for Dinner Wednesday?
Okay, what *are* you having for dinner? seriously, i'm dying to know.
you can tell me what you had last night for dinner, if you want...or what you're planning to have tonight!
if you've got a RECIPE, leave it in comments or on your site!
thanks for playing, my answer is after the jump -
link | posted by Emily at 11:24 AM
Tuesday, March 14, 2006
not feeling well today
laying in bed w/more pain than usual, and NAUSEA. blech. have been trying to think of something to eat for lunch for the past few hours. no dice. soon it'll be dinner, and then hubby will be home to help me! :)
since i don't have much to say, i'll show you a picture of my herbs! nothing is sprouting yet, but i'm waiting......they are basil, mint and rosemary. once they actually GROW i'll post another picture. :)
link | posted by Emily at 4:14 PM
Monday, March 13, 2006
Show and Tell!
taking a cue from
Daring Young Mom and
Blackbird, i'm going to show you MY EYE!! fun fun.
also have one other thing for you to check out:
right. now check out the girl standing in the middle. take a close look. at first you might thing that she's wearing one of those oh-so-popular prarie skirts. BUT in actuality, they are pants. YES!!! shocking, i know. i screamed when i saw it. i seriously don't think i've ever seen an uglier article of clothing. the very idea, from the inception was flawed. .... wait till you see this one:
the description says:
Bisou Bisou® Voilled Tiered Palazzo$29.99 Tiered palazzo pants combine the soft drape of a skirt with the comfort of pants. Button/zipper closure. Front yoke with embroidery. Flared leg. 41" inseam. Cotton. Machine wash, line dry. Palazzo pants are imported.
you read that right. TIERED PALAZZO PANTS. oh, the humanity. jcpenney, you have embarassed yourselves. those are horrid.
link | posted by Emily at 12:27 PM
today is a very special day...
TODAY is my parents' 30th anniversary. wow, huh? i was thinking that i should write a special blog entry about it, but
my sister wrote one that is far superior to anything i could write. so i'll
direct you to that entry, and say DITTO. (i told her i'd do that....wasn't kidding..!!)
in any case, i love my parents and am so happy for them -- and i have also learned a lot from their marriage; i'm only 1 1/2 years into my marriage, and so i draw on those lessons frequently. my marriage is everything i've ever dreamed of, but it all takes some adjusting.
things i've learned from mis padres:
-- even when things are difficult, a commitment to stay together can help you work through anything
-- remaining wildly and passionately in love is important for your well being and that of your marriage
-- even when you think you're doing everything right, it's important to remember that it's how your spouse perceives your love that counts
-- better to argue and discuss than to let pain and disagreements fester.
love you mom and dad~! happy anniversary!
link | posted by Emily at 12:13 PM
Sunday, March 12, 2006
random stuff
well, when i woke up this morning, it was to this:
beautiful, yes. but some of you may recall what happens to me during changing weather; the migraines are more severe. so that's no fun. in any case, i made it to church for the first hour, but now am back in bed. in the dark.
due to popular demand, i wanted to show you a picture of
this pink dress! it was made by my mother-in-law; isn't she talented???
link | posted by Emily at 2:20 PM
Saturday, March 11, 2006
a beautiful day in the neighborhood....
yes, there's still snow on the ground, but it's sunny and beautiful outside. how do i know, you might be thinking? you spend every day, all day in bed! yes, well, TODAY i went out. that's RIGHT, i left the apartment for the first time since tuesday night. now i'm back in bed....but that's another story. in any case, i went to a friend's bridal shower this morning. so fun. i was super late, but i had a good time anyways and was glad i went.
inspired by
Shannon over at Rocks in my Dryer, i had to post my favorite motherhood quote:
"Making the decision to have a child is momentous. It is to decide forever to have your heart go walking around outside your body." -- Elizabeth Stone
go check out
Rocks in my Dryer: she has some great ones there!
also have been thinking about selling my earrings on eBay: like i said
earlier, i've never sold anything OR bought anything on eBay, so this would be a first. i'm actually not sure if anyone would buy them.....but we shall see. i make beaded earrings. i really love making them, but honestly can't wear as many as i can make. (did that sentence make sense? maybe not) anyways, i'll let you all know when/if i get that set up. :) it would give me something to do, and you all know i always like that. ;)
link | posted by Emily at 3:28 PM
Friday, March 10, 2006
The Friday Five
Scent-sory Overload
Thanks for these sweet-smelling questions should be directed to the always scent-sational Amy Marr.
1. Do you wear perfume or cologne? yes - my 2 favorites right now are Ralph and Be Delicious by DKNY
2. What brand or kind of soap do you use? body wash from Sam's club
3. Do you use anything to scent your home (candles, potpourri, scented oils, etc.)?
yes! we have a candle warmer w/several large candles; melon, peppermint, flowery smells, etc.... and some incense, but i rarely burn it
4. What's your favorite scent on a member of the gender to which you're attracted?
just a fresh, clean smell; soap and shaving cream
5. Have you ever tried aromatherapy? If so, describe your experience; if not, do you think it works?
yes, it was meant to help my migraines. it didn't make much of a difference... i have heard that mint and green apple smells are supposed to help quell migraines and experience was a massage with essential oils, so while it didn't help in the way it was meant to, it was a fabulous experience, and i was able to relax for a while!
link | posted by Emily at 4:26 PM
it's friiiiiiiiiiiiiday!
i almost hate to write this b/c it's so darn repetitive, but i'm in bed. again. my head hurts a LOT. you'd think that the spinal tap effects would be gone by now, so maybe this is all my 'normal' self now.
blech. this headache can wrap up ANY DAY NOW. that'd be great. but seriously, even if it just improved to a tolerable level, i'd be cool with that. but this? not gonna work for me.
link | posted by Emily at 1:14 PM
Thursday, March 09, 2006
Thirteen of my favorite STORES! 1. the Gap - i especially love the Gap on clearance 2. Walmart; seriously, i'm sorry for those who hate it, but it's so great! there's so many awesome things there! 3. Express -they're almost always running a buy two get the third free deal on jewelry. 4. victoria's secret - expensive, perhaps. but they seem to last for me better than other bras. 5. American Eagle - almost exclusively the clearance, but i did buy a pair of bermuda shorts last summer for full price. they are amazingly cute. 6. Old navy. sale and clearance. what more can i say, i like a bargain? 7. mervyn's 8. the dollar store; i love going in there and just buying whatever i want (my husband is cringing as he reads this) because everything's only a DOLLAR. 9. ebay. must admit i've never actually bought anything on Ebay, but i do browse quite a bit. :) 10. in the same vein, craigslist. ditto. never bought, always look. 11. scrapbooking stores. whew. i can blow some major cash in there. 12. any shoe store. again, i can blow some major cash in there. 13. target. love shopping there. always find fun stuff. thanks for stopping by :) Links to other Thursday Thirteens! 1. Snickerdoodles 2. Musings and Meanderings 3. Diary of the Nello 4. Diary of a Music Whore 5. Janne's Jabberwocky 6. Peanut Tales 7. Musings From the Edge 8. Whiskey Talking 9. Ardice 10. Music's the medicine of the mind... (leave your link in comments, I�ll add you here!)
Get the Thursday Thirteen code here!
The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others comments. It�s easy, and fun! Be sure to update your Thirteen with links that are left for you, as well! I will link to everyone who participates and leaves a link to their 13 things. Trackbacks, pings, comment links accepted!
View More Thursday Thirteen Participants
link | posted by Emily at 2:43 PM
so much to say, so much to say..
anyone else singing along to that DMB song in their head? no? ah well.
the headache is even worse today, thanks to changing weather and a snowstorm. :( it's really bad; definitely in my top 5 alltime worst headaches. so i won't complain anymore, and will leave you with a funny i got in my email today:
A Polish immigrant goes to the Wisconsin Department of Motor
Vehicles in Milwaukee to apply for a driver's license and is
told he has to take an eye test. The examiner shows him a
card with the letters:
"Can you read this?" the examiner asks.
"Read it?" the Polish guy replies, "I know the guy!!"
have a great day everyone!!
link | posted by Emily at 12:00 PM
Wednesday, March 08, 2006
What's for Dinner Wednesday?
What's for dinner? for us, i don't know. something very easy. or maybe i'll get to feeling better by then. last night, we went over to
my sister's house for some delicious pizza. i got my spinal tap done yesterday, and am unfortunately still feeling the effects. my back isn't as sore or stiff as it was yesterday (hallelujah for that), but my 'usual' migraine is much much worse than usual. this is a side effect called a 'spinal headache' which isn't uncommon after having a spinal tap. yikes. still. i'm in bed, in the dark. will probably turn on a movie and try to go to sleep after this.
i bought some of those
'supper bakes' a few weeks ago when i had a coupon, and this might be just the time to use them......they cook for an hour, but only require about 30 seconds of preparation.
so how about you? what're you having for dinner? OR what did you have for dinner last night?
Krisco too over at CribCeiling -- also
my sister and
my mom! happy wednesday, hope dinner is delicious!
link | posted by Emily at 12:32 PM
Tuesday, March 07, 2006
lumbar puncture
that's what the dr.'s call it. i call it spinal tap. and no, not
but more the needle in the spine spinal tap. so anyways, it's over. hallelujah. my sister came with me and held my hand and distracted me through the whole thing. it was over in about an hour. HOWEVER, then a nurse came in, and says 'you know i've got to draw blood, right?'. nooooo i didn't. the thing about me is my veins are very hard to draw from. i don't know why. i wish i knew. in any case, she stuck me twice (the digging around kind of sticks) and then i mentioned the name of another lady who had stuck me on the first try.....lady #2 comes in, tries 3 times....still no blood. :( sooo they send me over to the lab, where lady #3 sticks me and gets me on the first try. all that sticking took another 2 hours. :/
after he finished my spinal tap, my neurologist said that the pressure is normal. so that's not it. now we wait for the neurologist to call back with the rest of the results.
link | posted by Emily at 3:45 PM
Monday, March 06, 2006
a kitchen meme for monday!
I got this Kitchen meme from HolyMama!
go over and check hers out too, it's very funny. :)
1. How many meals does most of your family eat at home each week? How many are in your family?
probably about 6. just 2 - me and my husband.
2. How many cookbooks do you own?
Too many - 15
3. How often do you refer to a cookbook each week?
probably about 2 times.....maybe more
4. Do you collect recipes from other sources? If so, what are some of your favorite sources (relatives, friends, magazines, advertisements, packages, the internet, etc)
yes - i like ones from family and friends best; ones they've tried and liked. i also get recipes regularly from kraft online
5. How do you store those recipes?
online kraft has a feature for storing your favorite recipes. real life paper recipes go into my folder; i have a 3-ring binder with different areas for main dishes, side dishes, etc.
6. When you cook, do you follow the recipe pretty closely, or do you use recipes primarily to give you ideas?
the first time i follow it as closely as possible. after that, i just use it as a jumping off point - i don't feel too tied to it. 7. Is there a particular ethnic style or flavor that predominates in your cooking? If so, what is it?
cheese is a main ingredient for us also. :) probably my favorite other ethnic flavor to cook in is thai, and after that mexican. or at least my white girl attempt at mexican food. :)
8. What’s your favorite kitchen task related to meal planning and preparation? (eating the finished product does not count)
huh. that's a toughie. i guess tasting it while i'm making it?
9. What’s your least favorite part?
cleaning up - mostly just the putting leftovers away. i hate that for some reason.
10. Do you plan menus before you shop?
no. (as if.)
11. What are your three favorite kitchen tools or appliances?
my new kitchenaid (thanks mom and dad-in-law!), my crockpot, and my pot with the glass lid and holes to drain off water.
12. If you could buy one new thing for your kitchen, money was no object, and space not an issue, what would you most like to have?
one new thing... ooh. i'd say a rice cooker. i hate cooking rice because it seems like it should be a given, but it takes so long, and requires so much stirring and watching and waiting....gosh, i'm gonna say two things, and say a smoothie maker. yum.
13. Since money and space probably are objects, what are you most likely to buy next?
huh. nothing really on the roster right now, but i guess i'd say another glass measuring cup, a big one. i have one of the littler ones only. also i REALLY want to try the silicone bakeware. has anyone tried it? how do you like it?
14. Do you have a separate freezer for storage?
i wish! we live in an apartment. if we had a separate freezer, that would probably mean we'd have no room for a bed. :)
15. Grocery shop alone or with others?
i almost always go alone. once in a while i'll go to costco with my older sister, or my hubby will be home and willing to go on a 'short trip' to pick up a few things. i like going with someone else better. this is probably because they aren't young children -- but adults i can talk to. :)
16. How many meatless main dish meals do you fix in a week?
i'd say 2 out of 6......?
17. If you have a decorating theme in your kitchen, what is it? Favorite kitchen colors?
the only decorations in my kitchen are pictures of friends (on the fridge), a framed photo of a calla lily, and a copper shadowbox with the chinese character for love. ... not sure there is really a theme. my favorite kitchen color is sage green.
18. What’s the first thing you ever learned to cook, and how old were you?
the first thing i remember learning to cook was meatloaf. mom would put all the ingredients in (i'm sure i helped but i don't remember that part) and then i stuck my hands in all that stuff and mixed it together. i specifically remember there being eggs and ground beef, and i wasn't at all interested in touching it.
19. How did you learn to cook?
hmmm. still learning. what i have learned thus far was either a result of my mom's dogged determination to teach us while we were growing up, or experimentation with recipes since i moved away from home.
20. Tag two other people to play.
sarah and
i also feel (in the spirit of full disclosure) that while i haven't had any kitchen fires in the past year, i DID have one a couple years ago, at my sisters engagement party -- it was at my brother-in-law's friends house (read: college men house) -- and i was trying to cook a complex chocolate cake (the kind with molten chocolate in the middle).....when it overflowed and burst into flames on the bottom of the oven. one of my newest friends helped me put out the flames with a spatula, and vacuum the carpet nearby where we had singed it. who would really WANT carpet in their kitchen? bad idea.
link | posted by Emily at 11:51 AM
Sunday, March 05, 2006
the end of the weekend
so here's the thing. living in a large apartment complex, i've noticed something. there's an inverse relationship of the volume of music to how good it is. that is, if it's really bad, you KNOW it's gonna be blasting really loud out of someone's car/apartment. that's just how it's got to be. classic examples of this include rap (i'm sorry i hate it), mariachi music (ok, but please turn it down), and hateful metal music. just my observations.
additionally, i called the neuro office on friday (no they didn't call back. wonder how long it would've taken them?), and i'm rescheduled for my spinal tap at 8:30 am this tuesday morning. now i don't know about you all, but that is a mite too early for this chickadee. whew.
link | posted by Emily at 8:53 PM
Friday, March 03, 2006
what Emily needs....
i got this idea from
Queen Beth and
Shannon - read it on both of their blogs today, and thought it'd be fun to try! check them out! these ladies are some of my favorites :)
for those of you who haven't seen this before, you just type into google [your name] needs... and type out the first 10 results. makes for some interesting finds.
so i type in the old 'emily needs' into the search engine, prepared for magic to happen. sadly, the first result is a blog, which is talking about this meme, and how someone had already done it! so i go into her blog, click on the result, and voila! another emily has already done it! dying to see my answers?
click here for the other emily's blog!besides, her comments are much more witty than mine would've been. :)
link | posted by Emily at 12:38 PM
Thursday, March 02, 2006
Thirteen things about Emily! 1. i'm growing my hair out; slooooowly. right now it's even shorter than in that picture; so patience is the key here. ;) 2. i have all the supplies for planting HERBS! will do this either today or tomorrow; rosemary, mint, and basil! i'm pretty excited about this, and hope it actually works. 3. my favorite color is blue (not pink.) :) 4. nicknames i like: emmy, em & em, slimer 5. nickname i DON"T LIKE: em. to me it sounds like just a letter. M. 6. favorite jelly belly flavor; watermelon 7. since i was about 16, i've wanted to be a piano teacher (when i grew up) -- having started as a piano performance major (and will be graduating as one someday), it is taking me FOREVER to get through college. so far, the best 7 years of my life. yikes. can't believe i admitted that on the internet. 8. my younger sister (who is 2 years younger than me) graduates in a few months. before me. i WILL FINISH. 9. i am the only one of my siblings with blue eyes; they all have darker hair and brown eyes. when i was little, my older sister told me i was adopted. i believed her for a while. 10. my dad is a member of the Mormon Tabernacle Choir. truly. you may be thinking that's not really about me, and you're right. but he's my dad, and i'm proud of him. :) 11. i was married in the jordan river LDS temple. 12. i love music; i listen to a lot of classical music, and also pop. my favorite groups are the dave matthews band, sarah mclachlan, and radiohead. 13. my favorite breakfast is grape nuts with bananas and milk. Links to other Thursday Thirteens! 1. Snickerdoodles 2. Musings and Meanderings 3. Diary of the Nello 4. Diary of a Music Whore 5. Janne's Jabberwocky 6. Peanut Tales 7. Musings From the Edge (leave your link in comments, I�ll add you here!)
Get the Thursday Thirteen code here!
The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others comments. It�s easy, and fun! Be sure to update your Thirteen with links that are left for you, as well! I will link to everyone who participates and leaves a link to their 13 things. Trackbacks, pings, comment links accepted!
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link | posted by Emily at 1:04 PM
false alarm....
no spinal tap today after all! went into the office, all ready to get poked, and there were insurance 'problems'. after a few hours of running around, fixing the problems, my dr. wasn't available for my appointment any longer (i was his last appointment of the day at 10 am, how rough), so i have to reschedule. waiting for a phone call back from the scheduling ladies....
thanks so much for all your kind thoughts and prayers. i'll let you know when we're gonna try again!
link | posted by Emily at 1:00 PM
Wednesday, March 01, 2006
thursday is the day for spinal taps!
yes, that's right. you may have previously been informed otherwise (as i was), but actually, i'm going to the dr.'s tomorrow morning for the spinal tap. wish me luck!!
link | posted by Emily at 8:56 PM
What's for Dinner Wednesday?
hey everybody! what's for dinner tonight? or what did you have for dinner last night? i'd looooooove to hear about it....
last night we had pasta in a garlicky red sauce; also homemade garlic bread. the garlic bread recipe was from (a source of many easy wonderful recipes), and i overcooked them. :( most of them were burnt. but some were good, and we enjoyed those pieces. :)
tonight; LEFTOVERS! we have leftovers from the funeral potatoes and also from the roast we ate when my friends came over for dinner. fun fun, right? so tell me, what are YOU having for dinner tonight? :)
link | posted by Emily at 4:06 PM